Behind-the-Scenes of Whim Online Magazine

Above: Close-up of Whim's 'Inspiration Corner'
Above: Whim's 'Inspiration Corner' and close-up of pin-board
Above: Stack of inspirational publications - Magazines include YEN, Frankie, Hello May and Betty. Books include 'Treasure Yourself' (Miranda Kerr) and '101 Moments of Joy and Inspiration' (Meredith Gaston)
Above: Behind-the-scenes images from Whim's Autumn Issue photoshoot featuring Models Lucinda (intern / contributing blogger) and Claire, as well as Natalia as make-up artist and Melanie (editor / founder) as photographer
Above: Whim's editor / founder for The Wandering Dress project- a collaboration by Oh Deer Boutique
Above: Behind-the-scenes images from Whim's first-ever photoshoot, featuring Daisy Lukins as model and Emma as make-up artist / secondary photographer


Whim achieved a major milestone over the weekend; our Facebook page reached over 1,000 followers! We couldn't be more stoked, so in celebration of this milestone we have decided to publish a 'behind-the-scenes' look at Whim - including some images from Whim's little workspace and interviews with both myself (Melanie) and Whim's intern / contributing blogger Lucinda. Hopefully this post will provide a little more insight into the daily running of Whim Online Magazine:

Q: When did you begin working on Whim Online Magazine and what kinds of activities does your position involve?

Melanie: I decided to start Whim in late February 2013 because I was just about to begin another semester of studying journalism, and although I was an intern for a pop culture website, I was feeling a little uninspired by it all. Whim began as a platform for me to write about all of the things I love the most, but within two weeks I had already began to receive emails from creatives wishing to have their work featured. This really encouraged me to continue Whim and I couldn’t be more stoked with how it’s continually grown over the last 15 months. As the editor and founder, my position is very hands-on, but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I find it all to be so much fun. I also write and schedule blog posts (with the amazing help of contributing blogger Lucinda!), go through all of the emails and submissions, put together the digital issues, and run Whim’s social media. Sometimes, if I’m extra lucky, I also get to organize photoshoots and try my hand as a photographer!

Lucinda: My adventure with Whim began back in November of last year, just as I was graduating from Year 12 and looking for something constructive to occupy myself with over the coming summer months. After successfully scoring the position of Intern, I assumed the role of contributing blogger to the site. This basically entails me researching and sourcing artists, designers, photographers or other creative individuals that I get to write a lovely feature on for the Whim blog. I’ve also contributed pieces of creative poetry to the magazine’s bi-monthly zines, and even been lucky enough to model some beautiful vintage pieces in shoots published in the magazine.

Q: When you're not working on posts for the Whim blog, what does an average day for you typically entail?

Melanie: An average day for me almost always entails some kind of Whim-related work haha, but if it’s the weekend and I’m taking some time away from working on Whim, then I am usually sleeping-in, having a late breakfast or seeing my friends and boyfriend.

Lucinda: I’m not exactly an early-bird, but a usual day for me starts with a quick run around my neighbourhood to kick start my morning before rushing off to the station to catch my train to university in the city. As a first year Arts student, I spend a lot of my time reading, attending lectures, writing up essays and drinking copious amounts of coffee (it’s verging on an addiction, I swear). Between classes you’ll find me catching up with some friends for lunch at café tucked away in a quiet city street, or even just laying in the sun listening to a good playlist.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

Melanie: I’ve always found huge inspiration in reading books and magazines, as well as going on sites such as Pinterest just to look at all of the beautiful images. Photography is also a huge inspiration behind a lot of what I do – If I hadn’t chosen to pursue creative writing and journalism at university then I definitely would have wanted to study photography and become a photographer instead! Magazines which inspire me are Frankie, CocoIndie, Betty, Lula, Country Style and Yen.

Lucinda: I adore music, and find myself constantly on the hunt for new tracks that move and motivate me. Reading the work of others, whether it be a classic novel or the latest issue of Frankie magazine, really helps me grow creatively to develop new techniques in my own writing. If I’m even having a moment where I’m feeling a little blue, a trip to a gallery to view their latest exhibition of incredible artistic creations instantly lifts my mood.

Q: What has been your most favourite Whim opportunity / event etc. that you've taken part in so far?

Melanie: This is a tricky one, because so far I’ve been lucky enough to take part in a few events and opportunities which would not have been possible to me if I had not started Whim. I think I was particularly awe-struck though when I was asked by Kristen from RAW Sydney to be one of three judges for the 2013 Sydney RAWards. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before haha.

Lucinda: Oh, to choose only one is such a challenge! I’d have to say taking part in the photo shoot for Whim’s Autumn Issue was a truly incredible experience. Getting to showcase and wear some gorgeous vintage dresses, and shoot in the stunning botanical gardens made for an amazing day I’ll never forget.

As with any milestone we also want to take a little time for reflection, therefore we strongly encourage you, as our reader, to share with us what you would like to see more (or less) of on the Whim website or in our digital publications? Please comment below :)