Featured Photographer: Francine Damanik / Will&Frank Photography

Francine Damanik Photography Whim Magazine 1 Francine Damanik Photography Whim Magazine 2 Francine Damanik Photography Whim Magazine 3 Francine Damanik Photography Whim Magazine 4Source: Francine Damanik / Will&Frank Photography


We love stumbling upon a creative talent in their most raw, untouched state. Francine Damanik, the mastermind behind the ever-so-charming Will&Frank Photography, has proved to be just that.  Based out of Jakarta, Indonesia, this fashion and portrait photographer is just beginning to experiment and explore the possibilities of life behind the lens.

With a small but growing portfolio of work, Francine is already showing the signs of a true artistic gem. Her eye for detail, ability to manipulate light and shade and tender consideration of the best methods to achieve her desired shots are admirable at such an early stage in her photographic career.

Simplicity is key to her work, as Will&Frank Photography’s artistic statement explains “we love putting make-up on your face and we love taking photos. That pretty much explains everything.”

We hope from the images featured on the site today you are just as inspired as we have been by the talent of Francine Damanik. To see more of her work, make sure to head over to Will&Frank Photography’s Facebook page.

- Lucinda