Featured Photoshoot: ‘Postraphaelism’ by Julia Feige

You may remember 21-year-old Julia Feige from her eerily enchanting photoshoot ‘Chamber of Dolls’, featured on Whim earlier this month. Today, we’re delighted to present her most recent editorial, ‘Postraphaelism’, with actresses Gloria Endres de Oliveira and Melissa-Kelly Franklin as models.
Inspired by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Julia creates a fantastic concept, portraying the models in a very intimate and sister-like fashion. The Berlin-based photographer remains true to her style, mixing a dash of romanticism with an aura of mystery that makes her portraits truly captivating.
The feminine styling, along with the choice of colours and the use of analogue film all come together to create a vintage feel, which in turn adds to the dreaminess and eeriness this shoot conveys. Julia perfectly captures the cozy mood of the scene; we feel as though we’re witnessing an intimate, almost secret moment in these girls’ everyday life.
It is the perfect balance of delicacy and sweetness, intensity and mystery that makes ‘Postraphaelism’ so appealing. We are absorbed, intrigued and left wanting more!
Once again, we encourage you to follow Julia on both of her Tumblrs (here & here) and Flickr to see more of her fabulous work and keep up to date with her gorgeous photoshoots! You can also like her Facebook page here.
- Melanie G.