Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy

Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 1 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 2 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 3 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 4 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 5 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 6 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 7 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 8 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 9 Andy Truong Trans-Seasonal 2015 Collection + An Interview with Designer Andy on Whim Online Magazine 10
Source: Andy Truong


We'd happily get lost in the world of Australian fashion label Andy Truong as it's filled with flower-adorned collars, mermaid-esque dresses and shimmering gold garments - What's not to love?

Here's something else you might find intriguing about the label; Designer Andy Truong has only just graduated from high school and a few years previously, at the tender age of just 15, Andy was named as Australia's youngest fashion designer.

To this day the teenager still attracts plenty of attention within the fashion industry. Truong debuted at the coveted Melbourne Spring fashion Week's LOOK. STOP. SHOP event in September where he displayed his Spring / Summer 12/13 collection, including an exclusive sneak-peek of his Autumn / Winter 2013 collection. The success of the show left him stunned and the young designer now has his eyes set on showcasing in New York and Paris.

Not bad for someone who is completely self-taught, is it? Andy explains: "“I taught myself everything using the Internet, from sewing and hemming to how to write a media release.”

Only recently, the Designer found out the exciting news that his label would soon be going international, with the online boutique Gnossem in Singapore snapping up the opportunity to stock Andy Truong garments.

No one can deny that Andy is set to go very far in the fashion industry, and Whim was recently lucky enough to not only ask the talented creative some questions about his career, but to also capture some garden photographs of Whim's Editor wearing two of Andy's dresses from a previous collection (more about this in the coming days!)


Q: When did your love of fashion design first bloom?A: My love for fashion came at a young age as a hobby to pass time. I would sketch designs for hours on end to distract myself from reality.

Q: How would you describe your brand in just three words?A: Independent. Modern. Glamour.

Q: When it comes to your fashion designs, what inspires your creativity the most?A: The colours and themes of my collections are inspired by anything... My cuts and styles of clothing are inspired by the street styles of the "Andy Truong" woman.

Q: What does an average day in the life of Andy involve?A: My days are always changing - one day I'm sketching and designing and the next I am helping my manufactures make orders for my stockists.

Q: Please tell us a little about the experience you had whilst working on your Women's Wear Trans-seasonal 2015 collection, which contains some unique and stunning designs?A: Thank you! My experience was nice. It was easy and I felt the end results were the best I've created... so far!

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your gorgeous fashion label in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?A: I do have a lot of exciting plans coming up - My brand will be going international soon with stockists in Singapore at Gnossem (an online boutique)!


Want to see more beautiful garments from Andy Truong? Please head to the label's website, Facebook page or Instagram (@andytruongworld) - You're sure to be amazed!