'Enchanted' by Emma Griffin: An Exhibition & Auction for Cancer Research UK

'Sleeping Beauty' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine'Anna' and 'Elsa' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Beauty and the Beast' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Cinderella' and 'Ariel' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Cinderella' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Giselle' and 'Mulan' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Rapunzel' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online Magazine 'Tiana' and 'Tinkerbell' from Emma Griffin's 'Enchanted' Exhibition on Whim Online MagazineSnow White & Queen
Source: Emma Griffin


With her stunning photographic works, all part of the 'Enchanted' series, Emma Griffin of Griffin Photography is not only transporting us to fairytale realms; she's also raising much-needed funds for charity in the process.

Specialising in some of the most beautiful fashion, bridal and portrait photography you've ever seen, Emma is a photographer and storyteller based in Cornwall.

Emma Griffin is holding her first solo show entitled Enchantment at the Beside The Wave Gallery in aid of Cancer Research UK. The exhibition runs for 2 weeks from Friday 16th January and culminates with a live auction event on Saturday 31st January. All proceeds from the live auction will be donated to the wonderful cause.

Her dreamy body of work features well-known Disney Princesses re-imagined with her unique take on contemporary storytelling and drawing on her experience as a fashion photographer.

Whim was fortunate enough to receive some of the images which are on display at the exhibition (many of these are featured above), and we also feel very blessed to have interviewed the talented Emma herself, which you can read below!


Q: When did your love for photography first blossom?A: I have always loved looking through old family photographs as a child, and then when I had my own children I started photographing them. I did my degree in fine art and used my camera as a tool to reference and collect information. People started asking me to take their photographs and I started earning money, so started my own business Griffin Photography. I went into specializing in fashion, because I started my career as a fashion designer so I knew a lot about this field. I was lucky that my own business happened naturally and now it’s a way of life.

Q: Your series titled 'Enchantment' is like a beautiful, Disney-inspired dream! Please tell us about the experience you had whilst creating the images for this wonderful project?A: Enchantment took a long time to create. I started this in June 2014 and finished in Jan 2015. All the models were local girls that I knew and some were family members. Merida is my Sister in Law, my Mum is the Fairy Godmother and Belle is my daughter, even my husband is in there too as all of the seven dwarves with Snow White. I had so much help from local businesses, for clothing, hair and makeup artists, venues and items for the shoots. My mum, Mary Griffin made most of the props that you can see throughout the body of work. I commissioned from her all the items that I wanted her to create, such as Cinderella’s two mice, to spell bottles and books to making Olaf. I undertook this project just as I would a fashion shoot. As I work as a fashion photographer I created mood boards and planned my teams in the same way.

Q: We understand that all proceeds from the live auction held at the end of your Enchantment exhibition will be donated to Cancer Research UK and find this to be truly inspiring. Can you please explain to our readers what motivated you to create a project in support of this amazing charity?A: I wanted to create an exhibition of work that I could sell, with the whole proceeds going to Cancer Research, because in 2010 I was diagnosed with Cancer myself. Being told you have changes your life completely. It made me want my dreams to come true now! I met so many other women who were going through treatment, or had treatment and they were like me – warriors not survivors! All these women were all holding onto one thing, hope, dreams, belief and to me that's what Disney Princesses are about. So once I had this connection I knew I wanted to create a beautiful, uplifting body of work that people would want to hang on their walls at home, and raise money for this charity that was close to my heart. I wanted to give back.

Q: Was there a particular image or 'Disney princess' from your series which really stood out as your favourite? If so, why?A: That’s a hard question; I have two that are my favourite. I love the Fairy Godmother because it features my mum and I also love Pocahontas because she looks like such a great warrior, and depicts what the show is about.

Q: How would you describe an average day in the life of Emma Griffin?A: It is fun, busy, full of different things. I start my day with emails, social media and catching up. Then it’s either out on a shoot or planning a shoot or editing a shoot. Each day is a different story to relay or a different story to create for someone. I photograph every day, it is my life and my passion and I love my job thankfully.

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any more exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?A: It is very exciting times for me right now, I have shoots lined up for global magazines, lookbooks to create for designers and I am also planning my next personal photographic show. This time I hope to show this body of work in London and create something bigger!


Sadly, we live on the other side of the world to where this stunning exhibition will be taking place, but to those of our lucky readers living in or near Cornwell, we highly recommend that you pop in and check out these beauties with your very own eyes - After all, the much-anticipated live auction is almost upon us!

If you're interested in seeing some images from the exhibition, one of our favourite bloggers Megan from Briar Rose (who is actually 'Elsa' in the images above) has uploaded some images from it, so be sure to check that out here.

You can also see more amazing photography by Emma Griffin (and we're not exaggerating when we say she takes some of the best wedding photography we've ever seen) over on her website, Facebook page or Instagram. Enjoy!