'Into the Storybook' by Janae Troyer / Live Life Loud Photography + Interview

'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 6 'Storybook Series' by Janae Troyer of Live Life Loud Photography on Whim Online Magazine 7
Photography: Janae Troyer / Live Life Loud Photography 
Hair: Towana Troyer
Models: Kiersten Troyer, Kyah Troyer, Rebekah Poole, Kristen Lentsch, and Breanne Friskney


Janae Troyer is the talented photographer behind the lens of Live Life Loud Photography and today we're very excited to share her whimsical 'Into the Storybook' series. We also have an added treat - an in-depth and insightful interview with the inspirational photographer herself! After all, who best to explain the series than the creative genius herself?


Q: When did you first discover your love of photography?

A: Strangely enough I can remember exactly when it happened. I was 14 and some friends invited me to go take pictures with them around our tiny hometown. So I picked up my parent's little point and shoot and took pictures of whatever looked interesting. Old buildings. Grass. Sidewalks. Honestly, they were often out of focus and weirdly cropped. But I loved every second of it. I was hooked. Then for my 16th birthday my whole family chipped in to get me my first DSLR and the rest is sort of history.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: I guess you could say my sister is my muse. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s like my other half. We build off of each other really well.  We can be out in the woods and she’ll say, “Janae, look at that tree” and before you know it we’ve got a whole shoot created.

Q: Please tell us a little about the experience you had whilst working on your 'Into the Storybook' series?

A: Into the Storybook has been the most rewarding experience of my career. It started off as musings in a coffee shop with my sister and has grown to be so much more. Originally we started the series for two reasons. One, we love stories, especially fairytales. Over the course of several coffee dates we created this fantastic storyline with characters and romance that the series hasn’t even begun to touch on yet. And we had to let people hear this story. Another reason very close to my heart was I wanted to work with non-models. I wanted to show how there’s something truly breathtaking in the people we see every day.  So I sent out an open call to anyone who wanted to be a part of it. The response was fantastic and I’ve made some incredible friends through the series.

Q: Please describe what an average day in your life looks like?

A: School takes up a lot of my life right now. It usually means waking up early to get to classes and trudging through snow to do so. Then homework and copious amount of tea. Nights are for pouring over and editing pictures. It’s definitely busy but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I have a real heart for helping women realize their beauty and self-worth. Over the past couple months I’ve been creating a session that focuses on this. It combines words of affirmation from those the model loves most with a customized photo shoot just for her and I’m really excited to release it.


Please head over to Janae's Facebook page and Instagram to see more of her wonderful work!