Photoshoot: 'Sister Saint' by Stefanie Tenner / Tender is the Night Photography

Now don't worry, we haven't crossed over to the dark side. Although big and vibrant blooms are never far from our minds, sometimes it's just nice to appreciate a beautifully stark, winter backdrop and a good tale.
Stefanie Tenner of Tender is the Night Photography is a 28-year-old living in Berlin, Germany. Surprisingly, Stefanie is a high school teacher by day and had only began her true exploration into the world of photography just 6 months ago.
Of this shoot, Stefanie explains: "The set I want to send you is called 'Sister Saint'. I shot it with two models (Lea and Helen) which fitted perfectly in my story. It´s about two sisters, one very religious and pregnant, the other one not willing to dedicate her life to religion. The bigger sister is trying to convince her younger sister to live her life like she does. You think she could assure her? I´m not a religious person, I just like to play with cliché, putting everything in a romantic surrounding. And I like vintage stuff and vintage looks."
Despite being so new to the business, Stefanie's work will have you enchanted, enthralled and definitely wanting to see more. Please head over to her Facebook page to see what we're talking about!