An Interview with RAW Sydney Artist of the Year: Rosell's Creatures

Rosells CreaturesRosells Creatures 3Rosells Creatures 2
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It's time for the third instalment in our RAWards Sydney finalists interview series, with today's post taking a deeper look into the work of RAW Sydney Artist of the Year Rosell's Creatures.

We've featured the work of Rosell's Creatures on the Whim blog before, so be sure to check it out here if you wish to read more about her!


Q: Congratulations on winning first place in the visual artist category! Please tell us, what have you loved the most about your RAW Sydney experience?

A: Thanks gurl! I loved everything about the experience of RAW Sydney; the minute I walked into the venue for my first showcase I felt the buzz and excitement in the room. I remember being greeted by the coordinator and her showing me my spot for the night, I felt nervous and happy at the same time. It was amazing meeting the other exhibitors and I remember admiring their beautiful artworks. I especially loved meeting the people who came to see our work. I couldn’t believe my ears when patrons told me they felt connected to my art, this really boosted my confidence and settled my nerves. RAW interviewed each artist on the night and made each of us feel like a superstar! RAW Sydney definitely helped me succeed and set me up as an emerging artist.

Q: What was your initial reaction when you heard the news that you would go on to represent Sydney in your category?

A: I couldn’t believe it! Haha.. it’s a funny story. I was on my lunch break from work and I had totally forgotten today was the announcement of the winners. I checked my Facebook and scrolled down to the RAW Sydney page. I was skimming through the results, and picturing the other category winners and almost missed, “Congratulations to Rosell's Creatures for RAW Sydney Visual Artist of the year”, I was gob smacked! I read it over and over again just to triple check and I thought they made a mistake because if I won, surely RAW would have sent me an email. So, I checked my email and I couldn’t find it then checked my junk mail and there it was. I called my husband and the joy in my husband's voice just made my heart warm and fuzzy and it dawned on me that all my hard work was paying off.

Q: When did you first discover your love of visual arts?

A: I was always painting and drawing to pass time but I remember watching an artist, Agness Cecile, who is based in Italy. Her mediums are watercolours and ink. I remember how beautiful and touching it was, her artwork awakened many emotions in me, I never had an artist affect me like that.I thought to myself, “could I bring others to feel this type of connection to what I create?” She also gave me the confidence to carry on, as she too is a self-taught artist and she has shown me that if you have the talent and passion for art then you don’t need the approval of other people.Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: What inspires me most are the women I meet. They are my inspiration! Especially my Nanay (grandmother in Filipino) she is the core of my creativity, she showed me the RAWness of life, she inspires me and has driven me to be strong willed, to keep reaching for my dreams and to have a voice.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your visual arts career in the near future – are there any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I plan to collaborate and work with other creative artists, continue to learn and even mentor others who are trying to find their way. Further on to my career, I would love to own a studio, be a curator or to work as a freelance artist travelling the globe!Yes, I have some exciting news, I’ll be having my first solo show on the 8th of July 2015 at the M2 Gallery in Surry Hills. Come down and party with me.


We want to thank Rosell for taking the time to answer our questions and we wish her the very best of success in 2015! Please be sure to check out more fabulous artwork from Rosell's Creatures through the following platforms: Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram (@rosellscreatures) and Twitter. Enjoy!