Interview with a Creative Muse: Hayley Littlefield

Interview with a Creative Muse - Hayley Littlefield on Whim Online Magazine 1 Interview with a Creative Muse - Hayley Littlefield on Whim Online Magazine 2

She's a 23-year-old model and artist living in Wells, Maine, who loves all things crafty. Today we delve into the world of Creative Muse, Hayley Littlefield.

Hayley first introduced us to her gorgeous Flower Circlets (pictured above), however after gazing on in awe at her further creative pursuits, such as sewing, knitting and more.

Her website further explains: "Hayley Littlefield was raised by the woods and sea of southern Maine. A profound sensitivity and childlike perceptions incite her imagination and artistic practice. She employs garment-making, machine knitting, surface design, and assemblage into deeply felt works. An integral aspect of her craft is in her desire to enlighten others with the notion that everyone has the ability to heal through self-expression and by looking inward."

Interview with a Creative Muse - Hayley Littlefield on Whim Online Magazine 3

Before we delve into the life of this talent too much, we think we'd better let you read our exclusive interview with the creative!


Q: How would you describe yourself in just 3 words?

A: Sensitive, spontaneous, compassionate.

Q: When did your love of fashion and textile design first bloom?

A: Ever since I was little all I wanted to be was an artist, and I was always encouraged to express myself creatively. As a teen what I wore became very important to communicate my thoughts and feelings. I hated the idea of following anything just because it was popular, or wearing a certain brand because it was cool. I wanted to be me, and to figure out who that was. I started playing with my appearance and dressing very differently than anyone I knew. I also began to spend a lot of time drawing fashion illustrations, altering clothing patterns, and sewing.

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Q: We love your flower circlets and think they are incredibly beautiful! How long does it often take you to complete each circlet and is it a relatively easy process?

A: Oh, thank you! They are so much fun to make. Flowers are one of my favorite things. Their range of hues, shapes, and symbolic significance are an inspiration to me. I press the flowers throughout the summer and then create the circlets when the woods and hills around my house are covered in snow. Winter can be difficult in Maine, with the lack of living things, so it‘s nice to preserve something beautiful from nature. It takes only an hour or two to create a circlet, and the process is fun and intuitive. Unlike drafting a pattern for a garment, which can be very technical and time-consuming, creating a flower circlet is like a making a bright and beautiful collage. I’m planning on selling them at local craft fairs so that other people can enjoy them too.

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Q: We also understand that you’ve been modelling since 2014. What do you love the most about this creative pursuit?

A: Modelling to me is very much akin to acting. I love the physicality of it, and the opportunity to convey a story or emotion. Artistic and Editorial shoots seem to encourage a higher level of creativity—there is sometimes a whole team of people there to do your hair, makeup, and wardrobe. I always wanted to model when I was younger, but I’m only 5’2 and I let that stop me from even trying. But now I’ve modelled for well-known artists and succeeded in ways I never thought possible. My favourite shoots so far have included posing in an incredible Victorian mansion, and once I was painted from the waist up with clay and decorated with leaves and butterflies!

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Q: What do you hope the future holds for your fashion and textile design career; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: Actually, I’ve decided that I want to get a masters degree in Art Therapy! Kind of a big jump isn’t it? I love fashion design, but it seems to me that helping people is more worthwhile. As an art therapist, I’ll be able to show others how to express themselves creatively and to heal through artistic means. Most of all, I want to work with children and teenagers in hospitals or in mental health facilities, but that’s way in the future. Next spring, I’ll work with an elementary school art class to complete my thesis project. Art has helped me in many ways, and I hope to one day embody that helpful spirit.


We want to thank Hayley for taking the time to answer our questions and we hope you view more of her wonderful work by visiting her website or Facebook page. Enjoy!