Featured Photographer + Interview: Malea Dew

Malea Blackburn Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1 Malea Blackburn Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2 Malea Blackburn Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3 Malea Blackburn Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4 Malea Blackburn Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5Malea Dew is a talented photographer based in Colorado and you may already be quite familiar with her emotive work as she has been featured here on the Whim blog before.

Today we're excited to delve deeper into Malea's work, however, and have asked the young creative some interview questions about her inspirations and aspirations. We hope you enjoy her insightful answers as much as we did!


Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?A: I think photography was handed down to me by rite of passage when I was a child. I inherited my first film camera from my grandfather who was an avid film shooter. I had always toyed around with the idea of being a photographer and enjoyed shooting our family events or shooting my grandmother very candidly. It wasn’t until many years later that I would begin to actively pursue shooting as a legitimate career option. Now I’m constantly evolving, improving.

Q: How would you describe yourself in just 3 words?A: Weird. Passionate. Curious.

Q: When it comes to your photography, what inspires your creativity the most?A: Inspiration is all around us! Sometimes we as a society become so convoluted with looking a certain way that we forget what motivates us. I draw a lot of inspiration from old movies because I like my photographs to look like stills from movies or moments from my own life, purely driven by emotion, it’s like therapy for me. Each picture is a moment from my life played by someone.

Q: What does an average day in the life of Malea involve?A: An average day in my life is usually pretty boring, haha. I am doing 1 of 4 things. Shooting, developing, scanning or hiking. And if by the odd chance I'm not doing one of those I'm sleeping or hanging out at the camera store. I try to live a pretty simple life and fill my time with great memories and great people.Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any upcoming, exciting plans that you would like to share with us?A: Ultimately, I would love to be doing fashion photography on a bigger scale and maybe working with new designers or agencies. On a smaller scale just continuing to learn and grow as a photographer. I am blessed to be able to do some traveling this summer and work with some great models and designers. I am excited to see where my adventures land me this year and I thank everyone who supports me.


We want to thank Malea for taking the time to answer our questions and we encourage you to view more of her work by visiting her Facebook page or following on Instagram (@maaleeahhh). Enjoy!