Music Review: 'Triptych' by Qualia

Qualia 'Triptych' Music Review on Whim Online Magazine 1

"Triptych" is a new EP from Qualia which is filled with indie pop / rock tunes that are both energetic and bursting with happiness.

Michael Hazani is the talented singer and song writer behind the solo project Qualia. The Seattle based musician has a real knack for creating songs which induce a sense of youthful nostalgia, whilst making you want to dance about the room at the same time.

Despite only forming the band in 2014, it is evident that Qualia is already on its way to big things. Since last year, the band has toured the East Coast, broadened its reach and won the John Lennon Innovators In Music Competition, which led to a special performance at Berklee College of Music.

Qualia 'Triptych' Music Review on Whim Online Magazine 2

The first track on the 3-song EP was titled 'Presque Vu' and it began with a fun little tune that wouldn't be amiss in a retro video game. It then explodes into an energetic and upbeat song filled with Qualia's signature indie rock / pop vibe. It's safe to say that I was hooked from the get-go with this album.

Next, the song titled 'Guillotine' begins with a more sombre beginning, featuring the almost soulful 'hum' of vocals. The singer's vocals are stark yet beautiful against this backdrop of soft sounds. The song gradually builds in tempo however to create a pop-infused track which is a great showcase of Hazani's range in vocals.

Qualia 'Triptych' Music Review on Whim Online Magazine 3

The final track is titled 'Tell Me A Story' and if I had to choose just one favourite song, this would be it! It contains a different beginning altogether and definitely has more of an indie rock sound than a pop one. The energetic beginning changes to a dreamlike and emotive chorus, which I absolutely loved. This track is another fine example of the singer's versatility with his vocals. With its electronic fusion and multiple, hypnotic layers, this song reminded me of M83, another musician I adore.

You'll definitely want to find out more about this talented musician, so please be sure to check out Qualia's Facebook, Bandcamp profile and website. You won't be disappointed!


– This sponsored review is part of our ongoing Music Review series where Whim is introduced to an array of artists from Independent Music Promotions.