Photoshoot + Interview: 'Moon River' by Carolyn Do / Captured By Carolyn

'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 1 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 2 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 3 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 4 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 5 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 6 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 7 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 8 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 9 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 10 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 11 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 12 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 13 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 14 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 15 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 16 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 17 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 18 'Moon River' by Captured By Carolyn on 19

With its free-spirited and bohemian-inspired nature, this photoshoot from Carolyn Do of Captured By Carolyn will make your heart sing.

We love the way in which Carolyn has managed to capture a variety of styles and locations within this stunning series, yet it all seems to flow harmoniously and blend together.

Carolyn is a talented twenty-year-old from Adelaide in Australia and she sheds some more light on today's shoot, explaining: "A few weeks ago, on an extremely overcast day I met with Vitoria after planning a while back for a shoot that never took place due to the terrible weather. Even though it was drizzling and freezing, Vitoria braved the cold and I am so glad we decided to shoot! Vitoria is such an amazing and natural model who moves with such grace."

We've also got a wonderful interview with Carolyn below, and we hope you find her answers as inspiring as we did!


Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: My love for photography first blossomed when I borrowed my parent’s point and shoot camera for a school camp. I was fifteen and I’d discovered how to stop time. I began to view my life through a view finder and I’d notice all the little things I’d usually miss. I began to appreciate the colours of the sunset and how each day the sun would set a little differently in my eyes.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: Mother nature is what inspires my creativity the most, followed by the people I meet and the things I see. I find nature to be endlessly inspiring, I find that working in nature brings me the most joy. The energy my creative friends have inspires me to create more and to share more with the world. I’ve always found Wes Anderson’s movies to be inspiring, the cinematography, creative direction and the colour palettes never ceases to amaze me.

Q: Please describe the experience you had whilst capturing these beautiful images?

A: It was my very first time meeting Vitoria (in the shoot I shared with you). We had spoken online about a shoot and when we finally found a day that was just right for both of us, we decided it was the perfect time for a shoot, even though the weather looked a little bit unforgiving. We made the most of it. We explored what the botanic gardens had to offer. We ran in the garden, chasing the sun that painted her gold until it slipped away beneath the dirt path. With her I captured tiny moments of purity.

Q: What does an average day in the life of Carolyn look like?

A: I study physiotherapy so an average day with me would be filled with study and attending lectures or placement. On days where I don’t have uni, you’d find me on Flickr or Tumblr or watching a movie.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any upcoming, exciting plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I hope to spend my days exploring and meeting other creatives to create something magical. I really want to work with new faces and explore more of fashion photography. I am really excited to share that I’ll be exhibiting at the RAW Merge exhibition alongside other creatives in October. This is the link for the exhibition: I’m really, really excited to share new work that's a little bit different from what I’d normally do & needed a lot of planning and thrifting to organise all the props.


We want to thank Carolyn for taking the time to answer our interview questions and we encourage you to see more of her wonderful work through checking out her website or following on Facebook and Instagram (@yayitscarolyn). Enjoy!

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