Interview with a Creative Muse: Writer / Model / Global Traveller Dani Kowalczyk

Interview with a Creative Muse - Dani Kowalczyk on Whim Online Magazine 1

When it comes to our last 'Interview with a Creative Muse' for 2015, who better to feature than the super creative and talented Dani Kowalczyk? As a writer and model who thrives on constant travel and seeing the world, we just know that you're going to find Dani as inspiring as we do!


Q: How would you sum-up yourself in just three words?

A: Female, global aesthete.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Dani Kowalczyk on Whim Online Magazine 2

Q: You've previously described your hometown as being "undefinable", adding "the road is where I was raised well". Please tell us more about the nomadic lifestyle you have lived so far; What highlights stand out the most for you and have there been any particular lowlights?

A: I was born into a military family with nomadic inclinations. I spent my childhood on the road from one state to the other, from one city to the next. I remember being enrolled into a new school and by the end of the week we were moving to the next city. I used to hate it as a kid, swearing I would never move so much as an adult. I thought staying in one place was stability and reliability, it meant knowing people and having long time friends. But I found, after a study abroad move to Ireland, that the road and traveling was my calling and where I felt the most alive, open, and of worth. I’ve met some of the closest people in my life now from traveling and I doubt I could have made these relationships or anything like them or the experiences I’ve had if I stayed in one place like I had sworn to my 9 year old self. Since being on my own as an adult I’ve lived in various cities, states, and countries including: Chicago, Grand Rapids, Ireland, Sweden, Greece, Switzerland, and now New York. I’ve traveled to many, many more.

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Q: We understand that you are also a very creative soul, spreading your wings as both a model and writer. When did each of these passions blossom? We'd love to hear more about these journeys.

A: Writing, I realized later, was something I had a passion for since I was very young. Although it wasn’t until I had a few Creative Writing classes and Contemporary Lit teachers in high school that I realized I really enjoyed writing. I used to say I would love to write a 10 page research paper over a 10 question test. I started finding my kind of voice and way of writing through blogging on my personal page that I didn’t share with anyone for a while. It wasn’t until strangers began praising or relating to my writing that I knew it was something I could seriously pursue as a career. Modeling I fell into. I started doing little shoots for friends’ clothing lines in Chicago when I first moved there and then it took off from there. I’ve been lucky enough to have been featured and printed in so many ads, magazines, and websites I like and admire including Elle South Africa, Vogue Italy, Elle London, American Apparel, and more. It was always something I did for fun though, something I enjoyed working with friends to create something artistic, thoughtful, fun or just groovy to look at. Those ones are the best.

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Q: You've also been praised often for your personal fashion style. What particular pieces are you loving the most at the moment and what do you believe your style says about you?

A: At the moment, I am thoroughly loving my new Acne Pistol booties. I’ve been eyeing them for a while and finally when in Paris this past summer I took advantage of the Euro and stopped by their shop. I also am loving my (caramel colored) cashmere sweaters, my black Mom Jeans from TopShop, and all of my newly acquired Issey Miyake pleated pieces. It’s fun to layer and play with texture in the winter months. Even though the winter in NYC is barely that. I think your personal style can be transformative, lucrative, explorational, and experimental. Unfortunately and fortunately it can speak for itself but I think the real treasures are in when you pick up a piece from traveling, a vintage sweater from your mom, or something designer. Mixing it all, wearing it’s a little pallet of you and your gains I like to think. Especially if you work hard for your wants!

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Q: When it comes to travelling, what are your three most important pieces of advice for fellow creatives?

A: Pack light, travel alone if you can, and if you won’t have cell service in the foreign country: pre-input your Google maps destination. It will be a life saver!

Q: Lastly, we'd love to know what your dreams are for the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: Right now I am working really hard on my writing and publishing as much as I can, pushing as far as I can with my work and professional pursuit now that I’ve relocated to NYC. It’s too expensive not to grind, not to take advantage of all the opportunity. Although I’m going to Chicago to see friends, Detroit over the holidays for family but also a editorial/writing project, Washington D.C. in January and Puerto Rico in February! I’m most excited for the last one of course haha!


We want to thank Dani for taking the time to answer our questions, and we encourage you to check out more of her work on her website. You can also follow Dani on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat (@danimkay).