20 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Creativity

20 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Creativity - Whim Online Magazine.jpg

We all know the feeling of wanting (or needing) to be creative - whether it be through writing, drawing, photographing, or simply brainstorming - only to realise that the 'creative juices' simply aren't flowing. This can be extremely frustrating, especially when it involves your greatest passion or even a pesky deadline!Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to overcome this creative blank, all of which require very little effort at all (and they're actually SUPER FUN).Now, let's get started...

Search for dreamy photographs that inspire you:

A picture really does tell a thousand words as the old saying goes, so whether you’re setting out to write a story, decorate your space, style an outfit or even shoot some images of your own, the perfect set of images can definitely get your creative juices flowing.

Go for a wander outside:

No one can deny how wonderful it feels to get outside in the sunshine and to be surrounded by nature. Pick a comfortable spot to sit down and let your thoughts and imagination wander. You never know what brilliant ideas you will come up with!

Seek-out inspirational books:

I’m a huge fan of beautifully illustrated books crammed full of inspiring and motivational quotes. My favourite inspirational book would have to be ‘101 Moments of Joy and Inspiration’ by Meredith Gaston – Both Meredith’s artwork and the quotes she has collected are amazing.20 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Creativity - WhimMagazine.com

Read someone else’s success story:

I find it so inspiring and motivating to read about successful entrepreneurs and to find out how they came to be in the position that they’re in. It’s extremely reassuring to read an honest, down-to-Earth story where the individual has achieved their dream career from nothing but hard work and a positive attitude. I’ve just finished reading ‘#GIRLBOSS’ by Nasty Gal’s Founder and CEO Sophia Amoruso and found it really hard to put the book down! By the end of this account my mind was swimming with ideas to put in place for Whim.

Write a story or a poem:

There’s an ‘inner writer’ in every single one of us, and sometimes there’s nothing more satisfying than artfully arranging sentences on a blank piece of paper. You don’t have to show your writing to anyone if you don’t want to, but I can guarantee just scribbling down your thoughts or letting your imagination run wild while you create a story or poem is sure to kick-start your creativity and even lead on to bigger creative projects.

Discover new creatives you can relate to on social media:

Social media provides a wonderful platform for creatives all around the world because it helps them to discover work that they can relate to and that inspires them, and it also allows creatives to find other artists, photographers, writers, etc. who they wish to collaborate with. A simple search of the terms “whimsical” or “dreamy” on Instagram and Pinterest will always provide stunning results and you can also check out which other pages your favourite creatives or publications have liked on Facebook.

Put together a moodboard or wall collage:

If you’re an extremely visual person (as most creatives are), then you’ll definitely benefit from creating moodboards or wall collages of photographs, quotes, artworks etc. that inspire and motivate you.

Read a beautiful magazine:

Look beyond the magazines that focus on topics such as celebrity gossip and diet advice and instead tune in to the publications that are designed for the creative-minded folk like yourself. I often find myself looking to magazines such as Lula, Frankie, Betty, Country Style, YEN, and stunning bridal magazines including Hello May, White and Magnolia Rouge. Needless to say (and without trying to sound too self-promoting!) we endeavour to provide inspirational and dreamy digital issues with Whim Online Magazine too.

Write a list (just like this one!):

List-making is the best because it’s an extremely effective form of brainstorming. Try writing a list of the creative projects you wish to tackle, or perhaps you have a project in mind but need to clarify it by brainstorming it further? Even a more simple and subjective list such as “Things I Love the Most” can often leave you feeling inspired, motivated and ready to create!

Makeover your space:

I often find that if the space surrounding me is decorated with pretty things, inspirational quotes and objects to keep me more organized, then I am able to work more sufficiently and keep those dreaded creative / mental blanks away. Whether it is your office, study or bedroom, always make sure that your surroundings is a place you enjoy working and creating things in. If not, then you have the fun and creative task ahead of decorating your space to turn it into somewhere you truly love! 

Go through old photo albums:

When I say “old”, I mean from the film-only days, as in a photo album your parents or grandparents own (or once owned), or even looking through archives of photographs from an era you absolutely love.

Read your favourite blogs:

I love reading blogs, particularly fashion blogs, as I always find it fascinating and inspiring to see how these girls put together their outfits and then plan little shoots in the most beautiful of locations (such as the English countryside!) Whether you enjoy reading blogs about fashion, photography, writing, art, or just about anything else, they really can provide a source of motivation as you read about the daily life of another creative individual.

Visit an op-shop / thrift store / charity shop:

Perhaps it’s the jumble of pre-loved and random items in one place or the thrill of finding something unique that you love for only a few dollars; either way, visiting a charity shop and finding items for use in craft projects or as photoshoot props is often a great way to spur on your creativity. Plus, you save a whole lot of money and what you spend goes straight towards a worthy charity and cause.

Attend a creative showcase or event:

What better way to get out of the house for a few hours and to get your creative juices flowing than to check out the amazing work of creatives in your local area? A quick Google search of creative events in your local area will help you find at least one to attend in the near future.

Take a day trip:

Because I live in a suburban area not too far from the city, I find it really lovely to take a day-trip every now and then to a pretty, country or seaside town in order to experience a different environment, be surrounded by nature, fresh air and to ‘recharge’. Where’s your favourite location to take a day trip to in which you find inspiration and tranquillity? I guarantee the new sights, sounds, smells etc. will get your creative ideas flowing!

Hang out with other creative individuals:

It’s nice to have other creative friends to bounce ideas off, plan collaborations with or even just spend time with, as these are often the people you will find the most motivation and creative inspiration from.

Plan a ‘Crafternoon’:

Get in touch with your fellow creative / craft-loving friends and set aside some time to eat, drink, listen to music, and of course – make things! Bring along all of your favourite craft items and see what you can create that afternoon.

Keep a scrapbook:

Why not buy a blank notebook and turn it into a scrapbook of things that inspire you, or things that motivate your creativity? You can fill it with anything and everything that you want to.


Set up an object or photograph in front of you and try to replicate it on a canvas or piece of paper. Or perhaps you prefer to draw something completely freestyle, with no reference in front of you? Whichever you choose, drawing is a great exercise to get you in a more creative frame of mind.

Grab your camera:

Whether you’re a photographer or not, there’s still something wonderful about going for a walk with your camera and capturing everything that you find beautiful. Who knows what you will stumble upon on your venture? Hopefully a location, object or even certain mood / lighting / colouring that will leave you feeling awe-inspired.

How do you like to kick-start your creativity? Have you tried and tested any of the suggestions in this list, and if so, what were your results like? We'd love to hear from you in the comments in the section below!