6 Wedding Planning Blunders to Avoid

So, you’re at that beautiful time in your life where you want to plan a wedding. You’re ecstatic, but you’re also a little worried. You’ve got some ideas, but you’re not quite sure on the logistics; the details. Don’t worry, you’re not alone - weddings can indeed seem overwhelming! We’ve done this before, so here are the most common mistakes to avoid when planning your wedding.

1. Not setting a budget

A budget is a wedding’s best friend. This will dictate absolutely every choice you make, and can greatly help in narrowing down choices. It also means you won’t have any nasty surprises come the wedding day! Set a realistic budget, and segment your costs accordingly. Ensure any helpers or people you’ve employed are aware of your budget so they know to work within your means.

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2. Sweating the small stuff

A wedding is the sum of many parts, but it can be easy to lose sight of this in the planning process. With so many elements, you may lose sight of the bigger picture. Compromise is not uncommon in the realm of weddings, and it’s important to stay focused and rational. Don’t waste your time and energy sweating the small stuff.

3. Micromanaging

One way to avoid extra, unnecessary stress is to delegate. Trust the people you’ve enlisted to help, and try and avoid the urge to micromanage. Micromanaging will only increase stress for you and the people helping with the wedding, which is never a good thing. Be clear and communicate effectively and often with the people working towards your dream wedding. This way, there will be no distortion and no nasty surprises.

4. Forgetting to enjoy yourself

This is one of the most amazing milestones of your life! Don’t forget that. Weddings are beautiful, vivid and warm events that bring people close together and are a celebration of all the things we love about life. Have fun with the planning process. Instill your own individual spark in the flavour of the wedding, and make your planning choices purely your own. This way, you’ll look forward to your wedding as it’s your own, specifically-tailored love party!

5. Trying to do it all yourself

Weddings have the tendency to be complex; without the right plan in place they can become stressful creatures with a mind all of their own! It’s difficult to be able to do everything for your wedding all by yourself. Enlist the help of professionals, and gain some clarity through obtaining some wedding planning advice. This is one of the greatest moments of your life, you deserve to savour the moment.


6. Neglecting to have a Plan B

If you’re having an outdoor wedding, we can’t stress enough that you have a solid and stable Plan B. The weather man can sometimes be very wrong, and you don’t want to be - literally and metaphorically - caught out in the rain. If you’re planning an outdoor wedding or reception, scout for nearby indoor options. Likewise with your wedding photo location. You may never use your Plan B, but you certainly won’t regret having one in place just in case.

A wedding is a beautiful celebration of life, don’t let it exhaust you. Remember to set an accurate budget, delegate, organise a Plan B and - above all - remember to enjoy yourself! With correct help and adequate planning, the wedding of your dreams is within your reach.


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