Feature Friday: An Interview with Sarah from Etsy Store Forever Fable



Q: When did you first begin Forever Fable and what inspired you to do so?

A: Forever Fable is only a year old, but I started creating and selling costumes over 6 years ago. My first business, Tip Top Tutu, was inspired by the preschool students I was teaching at the time, and my products back then were mostly for children. After moving from the U.S. to Barcelona I began experimenting with new materials and designs, and Forever Fable is the result of those trials. (And errors!) Now, the things I make are geared toward adults who are still enthralled by the world of make believe.



Q: How would you describe yourself in just 3 words?

A: Fabricator of fairytales.

Q: When it comes to your brilliant designs and products, where do you gain ideas from?

A: Inspiration seems to hit when I least expect it and from unlikely sources. Most commonly this comes from nature; a twisted branch here, some crumpled flowers there. Anything botanical or animal can be massively inspiring to me.

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Q: Please describe what an average day in the life of Sarah looks like?

A: I am fortunate to have 3 days a week to dedicate to Forever Fable, and on those days I can be found:

  • sculpting horns, antlers, ears, or any variety of things;
  • creating molds of those sculptures;
  • casting, sanding, and painting resin pieces;
  • hand-sewing floral headbands;
  • piecing together jewelry using my original casts;
  • sketching ideas for future designs;
  • planning conceptual photoshoots;
  • sleeping entirely too little!

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Q: What do you hope to achieve with Forever Fable in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: Very soon I’ll be putting the finishing touches on headpieces and matching jewelry inspired by the sea. Living in the Mediterranean, sea creatures are constantly visible in all their shell-encrusted, tentaclewrapped glory. My goal is to turn that imagery into wearable pieces which bring the depths of the sea to a terrestrial level.In the slightly more distant future, keep an eye out for “everyday wear”, including screen printed clothing featuring my original drawings. That way you can wear the whimsical to the supermarket!

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Q: Where can our readers find more information and keep updated with Forever Fable online?

A: You can connect with Forever Fable on whichever social media platform you prefer. Find me on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr or Pinterest using @foreverfable. You can order off Etsy, or on my brand new personal site (www.foreverfable.com).

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Q: Do you have any additional comments that you would love to add about your journey with Forever Fable so far?

A: I would never have been able to develop Forever Fable (or Tip Top Tutu) had it not been for my parents' unconditional support and encouragement. They have always been there to help me, whether it be setting up market stalls, packaging and shipping orders, or allowing me to convert their basement into a magic-factory. My dad recently retired, and we joke that he is now a full-time employee! My parents' support definitely enabled me to pursue this career, and gave me the possibility to succeed.