Enter into the Magical Animal Kingdom of Photographer Katerina Plotnikova

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Despite only discovering her passion for photography 7 years ago, Katerina Plotnikova’s enchanting and ethereal photographs have already taken the world by storm.

The Moscow based creative has a following of over 700,000 people on her Facebook page alone, with this figure increasing dramatically on a daily basis.

When it comes to her work, it is her images featuring animals which have perhaps gained her the most attention. The staggering reason behind this is simple: Katerina has not used Photoshop to add in any of these animals – they are, indeed, captured like this ‘in real life’.

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From a bear gently touching the model’s hand to foxes enjoying cuddles and hedgehogs comfortably perched upon shoulders; the world that this young photographer lives in is certainly a magical one.

When it comes to this photo shoot, it is important to note that Katerina used well-trained animals while their professional trainers were present at the scene. Along with a lot of patience and some much-needed caution, the photographer was able to successfully produce these amazing results.

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The inspiration behind this series of images, as well as Katarina’s other photo shoots featuring animals, is really quite simple. The photographer looks to elements such as nature, travels, and emotions to find new ideas for her work. She also finds inspiration when perusing around DIY stores, stating that it is “a great exercise for one’s imagination”.

I encourage you to view more ethereal work from Katerina by visiting her 500px website and Facebook page. Enjoy!


This article originally appeared on Photo Contest Insider, written by Whim's Editor Melanie. To read the full article, please click here.