Feature Friday: 'The Secret Garden' + Interview with Photographer Myles Katherine

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 1'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 2'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 3

This ethereal photoshoot was captured by Myles Katherine, a talented photographer based in Portland, Oregon.

The words 'magical', 'ethereal', and 'dreamy' don't even begin to describe my feelings for this incredible series, so I'll leave you with an in-depth interview with Myles Katherine herself to delve deeper into this 'Secret Garden' realm :)

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: I’m an extremely sentimental person, so photography has always been a passion of mine. However, it wasn’t until my sophomore year of college when I took my first film photography class, that I realized I wanted to learn more about it and started taking it seriously. I bought my first 35 mm film camera, my first holga and my first full frame DSLR. I started making darkroom prints and developing my own film, and the process behind the photos was so intriguing and rewarding. I’ve been obsessed with photography ever since.

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 2'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: My creativity seems to come in waves. I go through phases so it’s hard to pinpoint where my inspiration comes from. Living in Portland, the winters are dark and rainy making it difficult to feel the need to go out and create. It’s usually this time of year that I catch up on editing, work on my website, scrapbook, write, etc. The summers in Portland are beautiful and I tend to feel the most creative in the spring, when the sun finally starts to come out. So I guess my inspiration is seasonal. :) There are so many stunning locations and backdrops in Oregon, and I think that the landscape here is what is most inspiring to me at this point in my life. I come up with tons of ideas when I have a gorgeous backdrop to work with.

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 3'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 7

Q: Please tell us about the experience you had capturing this beautiful photoshoot?

A: When I first found the model, Kayla, on instagram I knew I had to work with her. She is so unique and adorable and her sweetness radiates through her photos. I had the idea to create a dark, but delicate version of the Secret Garden. The makeup artist, Gina, is a good friend and let us use her house for the shoot. We walked around the neighborhood, choosing locations for the shoot. The stylist, Holly Stalder, creates beautiful, ethereal clothing and also owns a boutique here in Portland. I knew she would be perfect for styling this feminine, dreamy shoot. This shoot was very refreshing for me because it had been a while since I had done a shoot for fun. It was right at the end of wedding season so I was feeling a little burnt out, but this team of ladies was incredible to work with and I am in love with the images we created.

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 8 'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 5'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: What does an average day in the life of Myles look like?

A: Most of my days are spent on my computer, sending emails, planning shoots, editing photos, scanning film, working on my website and drinking lots of coffee. I’m pretty introverted so I don’t mind being home. I’m very lucky that I have a job that allows me to plan my own schedule. On photo shoot days, I usually go on a quick run or do yoga, shower, pack up a few bags with clothes and props that I think might work for the shoot, make sure I have all my cameras and film and then head to my studio or the location for the shoot. During the summer I’m busy shooting weddings so my weekends are always incredibly busy and my weekdays are spent editing. When my boyfriend and I have a day off, we usually take a trip to the coast or the Columbia River Gorge. Of course, I take tons of photos and capture every moment of our adventures. :)

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 6'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 12

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I’m hoping this year involves just as many amazing shoots as last year. My boyfriend and I have been talking about traveling to Hawaii, LA and Seattle so I hope to work with models and plan shoots while I’m traveling. I’ve also decided to shoot less digital photography and focus more on film and black and white. I just find film photography so beautiful and exciting. I’ll be flying back and forth to the East Coast too, since my family is there and I have a wedding to shoot in March. Traveling is definitely a big part of my life these days and I find it quite stressful, but it always involves opportunities for unique photos and experiences. <3

'The Secret Garden' Photo Shoot by Myles Katherine on Whim Online Magazine 13

I want to thank Myles Katherine for taking the time to shed some more light on her career and today's series! You can check out more beautiful work from this photographer by visiting her website, Facebook page, and Instagram. Enjoy!


Full credits: Photographer: Myles Katherine | Model: Kayla West | Hair & Makeup Artist: Gina Campbell | Stylist/Designer: Holly Stalder

Look 1: Dress: Holly Stalder, Veil: Holly Stalder | Look 2: Dress: Vintage, Collar: Vintage, Hair piece: Julia Barbee | Look 3: Dress: Holly Stalder, Necklace: Julia Barbee | Look 4: Dress: Holly Stalder, Crown: Julia Barbee, Collar: Holly Stalder