Contributed Post: A Guide To Making A New Place Truly Yours


When you are moving house, there is a lot to do and a lot to consider. There are very few people who are able to go through such a period of time without getting at least a little stressed.

One of the main difficulties which you are likely to face will happen after the actual move itself. Once you have unloaded everything into your home, you now have the tough task ahead of you of trying to feel comfortable in it. The truth is, this is something which can take a long time. That is just a natural part of the process. However, that is not to say that you can't make it a little easier on yourself - you certainly can.

Getting to the place where you feel at home in your new house is a challenge sometimes, sure, but it is worth the effort. All that is required is that you spend some time focusing on some key areas. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what those key areas might be. Here is how to make your new house feel like it has been yours all along.


The Bed

The main bedroom is a great place to start when you are trying to feel at home. The reason for this is quite simple. There are distinct psychological benefits to having a bedroom which suits your personality and your style. What’s more, working on the comfortability of your home must necessarily start with the bedroom. As long as you have a comfy bed to go to, you will find that you are much less stressed about all the other aspects of moving house. To that end, take a look at this Igel mattress advice. Choosing the right mattress and bedding is vital for a comfortable and personalised bed. Making your bed the way you want it is a key part of feeling like the new home is really yours. The last thing you want is to feel as though you are a visitor sleeping in someone else’s bed.

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The Colour Scheme

This is something which works so effectively simply because it affects every corner of the house. With any luck, you will have moved into a house which has a relatively neutral colour scheme. This is useful, because it means you can pretty much do whatever you like with it. Remember: there are no hard and fast rules here, except that you should make it as personal to you as possible. Of course, if you have moved in with a partner or a family, you should get everyone involved in this process. This will go a huge way towards making you feel like the home is really yours.


The Front Door

It is the part of the house which welcomes both you and your guests - so it is no wonder it’s so important. If you are really keen to give a little extra something to your new place, then consider taking a look at the front door. For a real personal touch, you could repaint it - or even replace it, if you have the resources and the time. Doing so will likely make the whole place feel a lot more personal to you. Think of your front door as being like a statement. What is it currently saying about you, and is it accurate? If not, you might want to do something about it.

The Walls

We have already gone over the importance of the colour scheme. However, there is another aspect to the walls of the house which needs considering. If you are keen to personalise your home as much as possible, then you should think about what you are putting on your walls. It is likely that you have some favourite paintings or works of art. Or perhaps you have some photographs of you and your family. Either way, just make sure that you adorn the walls with plenty of things that are personal to you. This alone will make a huge difference to the ambience of the new house.


The Furniture

It goes without saying that you want yourself and everyone else in the home to be as comfortable as possible. Being comfortable, after all, is one of the key ingredients of feeling like the place is yours. To that end, it is vital that you take your old furniture into your new home. You might not want or need every single item, and that is fine. However, carrying over the bulk of the furniture from the old house will go a long way towards helping everyone settle in. What’s more, replacing the furniture which may have been left behind with new items can have much the same effect.