'Lost Princess': A Series + Interview with Fine Art Photographer Parsa Jamalpour

1. Parsa-Jamalpour-conquer 2. Parsa-Jamalpour-lost-in-time

Q: When did your love of fine art photography first blossom?

A: I started painting when I was 14. When I was studying TV Production at university I discovered my love for photography, especially capturing human emotions. However I quickly realised that photography on its own was not satisfying, I wanted to create more artistic work. Painting or photography? I couldn’t decide. I loved both equally. Then one day I came to the realisation that I could combine the two. That is when I emerged myself into fine art photography.

3. Parsa-Jamalpour-tarnished-in-darkness 4. Parsa-Jamalpour-longing

Q: We love your ethereal series called 'Lost Princess'. Please tell us about the experience you had planning and capturing these images?

A: Once I was lost in my life, lonely in a new country. Life was not easy. During this time, I realised how fragile humans can be and how important it is to be true to yourself. Since then I have expressed my experiences through my art. I wanted to open up in a way that could be both beautiful and mysterious.

The dark backgrounds in my work represents how I saw my life when I was lost. The light shines on the wider view and how I realised I could overcome my problems if I looked at the wider view. I was so busy looking at my problems I couldn’t see the light and hope. I wanted to communicate this through my art. Showing people lost in the dark but with hope right by their side. We just have to open our eyes to see it. Furthermore, I wanted to show that even in darkest time of our life, there is still beauty.

5. Parsa-Jamalpour-deep-in-my-heart 6. Parsa-Jamalpour-not-giving-in

Q: What does an average day in the life of Parsa involve?

A: I always begin my day with a nice cup of coffee! Then spend some time checking my email, social media accounts, and news. I love politics. My wife Mona is very involved in all my projects. She is my model, make-up artist, and assistant. We both also love bush walking so do that a few times a week, too. I work at night. I like the calmness of nights and am more creative in the evening hours.

7. Parsa-Jamalpour-whispering-with-my-soul 8. Parsa-Jamalpour-doubt

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography career in the not-too-distant future; do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I am trying to prepare as many new series as I can. I would like to come up with more unique ideas that relate to everyday life. On top of this I’d like to have more exhibitions in 2017 both in Australia and overseas.

One of my next series will be shot in Iran. It will be a mixture of east and west elements with a whimsical flair.

9. Parsa-Jamalpour-domination

We want to thank Parsa for taking the time to answer our interview questions and for sharing his 'Lost Princess' series with us! We encourage you to check out more of his work by visiting his website and following along on Instagram and Facebook. Enjoy!


Titles (first to last image): Conquer, Lost in Time, Tarnished in Darkness, Longing, Deep in My Heart, Not Giving In, Whispering My Soul, Doubt, Domination