Fueling Your Creativity: Profitable Side-Hustles Outside Of Your Day Job

Being a creative person is often not all it's cracked up to be.

A lot of people tend to wish they were naturally creative, but don't think about the life impacts that this can actually have on them. It is only in very rare circumstances that being creative can actually get you a good, full time job without any ground work. Paying jobs in the creative industry are thin on the ground, and there is great competition for the few desirable positions which are out there. This is why a lot of people end up going into more 'generic' jobs despite having a creative passion - after all, we all have bills to pay. But what happens when you  are in need some kind of outlet to vent in a creative manner? The idea of quitting your job entirely might be romantic, but for the vast majority of people it just doesn't work. Here are a few creative hobbies you can run alongside your regular job whilst you get back into the swing of things.


Everyone is capable of taking a photo. But there are some of us who just have a natural flair and talent for photography. When we live in a world as beautiful as ours, it can be very worthwhile to try and capture the nature around you! You probably already know if you are one of these people, and photography can be a great way to capture and share memories. It is also a potential career, as many people do make a living out of being full-time photographers. Reckon you've got the knack but don't really know where to begin? Well, you could always try honing your skills at a Beginner Photography Course. Learning from professionals is the best way to set off on the right foot, and they will also be able to advise you on what pieces of kit to buy if you choose to do so.


Many people find writing incredibly therapeutic. It is a way to let out our thoughts and feelings - whether we are writing an intimate and personal life piece, or simply reviewing a movie we've seen. In terms of paid jobs, writing is a huge spectrum. You could be a fully-fledged journalist, or maybe you would want to earn your keep writing for brands and businesses. The good thing is that it is now very easy to practice writing and to build up a portfolio for yourself. Simply start a blog! There's no right or wrong way to do one and it can be very satisfying to have your own little corner of the internet.


You might think at first that gardening is just yet another job you have to do around the house and home. But taking pride in your garden can be a great outlet for your creativity. Maybe you simply have an eye for design - combine that with a love of the great outdoors and you will easily be able to create a stunning look in your very own backyard. So much so, in fact, that you may be able to eventually carve out a career as a freelance landscape designer.