How to Have a Healthy Mindset Towards Food

Many people don’t realize that their life is impacted by their mindset towards food.

Depending on your mindset towards food, you might find it difficult to lose/put on weight. You might think certain foods are ‘off limits’ or that they’ll ‘make you fat’. The truth is, the amount of food you eat is what makes you put on weight, and not necessarily the type of food (in moderation, of course). No food should be ‘off limits’ either - this is an unhealthy mindset, and makes you put restrictions on yourself that can be damaging to your mental health.

Everybody’s goal, first and foremost, should be to be healthy. Being healthy, also means being balanced. You can’t be healthy if you’re too far one way or the other! This guide will help you to change your mindset towards food for good:

Figure Out What Your Triggers Are

The first thing you need to do is work out what your triggers are when it comes to food. If you’re prone to bingeing or overeating a certain food, or at a certain time, figuring out why you do this will really help you. People rarely overeat because they are hungry. It’s usually because they’re bored, lonely, sad, etc. If you can become aware of these triggers, you’ll start to notice when you reach for snacks to comfort you, distract you, or smother your feelings. You’ll then become more mindful as a result, and be able to find better ways of dealing with your feelings.

Think Back To The Root Of The Problem

A problem usually starts somewhere in childhood. If you can find the root of the problem and work through that issue in your head, chances are, your attitude towards food will completely change in a short time. Things like regression therapy can be helpful for this. You shouldn’t knock it until you’ve tried it. By working with a professional, you could figure out where this problem started; maybe it was when you were small and somebody mentioned something about your weight, or what you were eating. It could have been a teacher, or a family member. This can help you to completely eradicate recurring problems! Most don’t realize that the source of many of their bad habits and problems stem from something that happened to them when they were small. Taking the same approach with other problems could completely change your life.

Start Keeping A Food Diary Or Tracking With An App

Maybe you don’t think you eat that much, and yet you can’t seem to get down to a healthy weight or feel great like you think you should. Have you tried keeping a food diary, or tracking with an app? This is really simple to do. With the app, just find the brand of the food you’re eating, or simply scan it in. Make sure all of the nutritional values are there, and that the serving size is correct (some will automatically be set at 100 grams, when you’re eating far more than that). Then you’ll get an accurate idea of what you’re actually eating and how you can improve. If you do a lot of snacking, you might not think it adds up, but by doing this you’ll see that it all does.

Be Mindful As You Eat

Being mindful as you eat will help you to feel more satisfied after a meal. Not only that, you’ll enjoy every mouthful! Don’t eat in front of the TV or scroll through your smartphone. Focus only on the food in front of you. Chew slowly, and put down your cutlery in between bites. This encourages you to really make the most of the meal!

Think Of What You Want Most Over What You Want Now

If you’re struggling to resist temptation, then you should try thinking of what you want most over what you want right now. Would you rather that packet of biscuits for a short term high, only to feel rubbish afterwards? Or would you rather be healthy in the long run? Of course you shouldn’t deprive yourself, but there’s a difference between having the occasional treat and eating junk every day. 

Repeat Positive Mantras And Affirmations

Your self talk has a lot to do with your mindset and how your life shapes itself. You can change so much more than you think with the help of positive affirmations and mantras. Repetition is the key to making these work. You could record yourself saying them and listen to them in the car. You could write them down a few times each morning and night. Whatever you do, make sure you’re consistent. Your mindset will change, and your life will change. Weight will come off more effortlessly than before. Many self help practitioners champion this method!

Find People With The Same Goals As You

By spending more time with people who have the same goals as you, you’ll find a group who encourage one another and understand the struggles. You may be able to meet these people in a gym class, or a healthy cooking class. You become like the people you spend the most time with. If you spend a lot of time with people who are negative about themselves and have no interest in becoming the best versions of themselves, you’re hardly going to feel uplifted and encouraged. This doesn’t mean you should say goodbye to your oldest friends. It just means you should try to find people like you! Usually, when you decide to make a change and be more positive, you’ll attract these people naturally.

Remember How You Feel After Eating Greasy Food, Or Binging

Before you eat greasy food, or set out on a binge, just put yourself into the shoes of yourself after you’ve done it. What is your thought process like? How do you feel? Usually, you’ll be filled with negative self talk, and feel pretty gross. This can lead to even more binging, and it becomes a vicious cycle. Sure, have the occasional treat, but only if you refuse to feel guilty afterwards! You’re only human, and you should never berate yourself.

Never Label A Food As Off Limits

Following on from our last point, you should never label a food as off limits. You should never label yourself either, whether this is as a ‘clean eater’, ‘paleo’ or something similar. Sure, you can eat clean, but labelling yourself can set unrealistic standards and expectations for yourself, which can put more pressure on. Many will crack under the pressure of trying to be ‘perfect’ with these diets. The more you label a food as off limits, the more you’ll want to eat it too. Like the forbidden fruit! You’re allowed to eat anything you want. You just choose to make healthier choices. That’s the best way to think about it. The only foods that should be off limits are those food recalls labelled as unsafe. Be smart and forget the labels! 

Never, Ever Say You’re On A ‘Diet’

Saying you’re on a ‘diet’ implies that it’s a short term fix, wherein you’ll go back to the way you were afterwards, when you’ve lost a few pounds. Diet also has many negative connotations with it, such as only eating salads, and feeling hungry. Think of this as a healthy lifestyle instead, and talk about it that way. If you can’t see yourself eating the way you are for life, then it’s no good!

Learn The Art Of ‘Balance’

Balance is truly the key to a healthy, happy lifestyle. Eat as healthy as you can 80% of the time. Don’t feel bad for having the odd treat. What would life be without a treat or two? Providing you’re not about to get into a bikini on stage for a competition, does it matter if you have a cheat meal? Does it matter if you have a little ice cream? Of course not!

Learn How To Listen To Your Body

Listening to your body will take you far. Learn how to listen to your body’s natural hunger cues, and the cues that tell you when you’re full. Try to figure out what you’re actually craving too. The body naturally craves healthy foods, the foods we are supposed to eat as designed by nature. Developing a close relationship with your body is a wonderful thing!

Learn To Love Yourself No Matter What

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. If you can learn to love yourself no matter what, you’ll live a much happier, healthier life. When your relationship with yourself improves, so will your relationship with food. It isn’t losing those 10 pounds and then loving yourself. It’s loving yourself, extra 10 pounds included. It can be difficult, but you can do it if you’re dedicated!

Be consistent with each of these pointers, and soon, your whole view of food will change. Many see food as a comfort blanket or friend, but really, it’s energy. Food should make us feel amazing, not the way it makes most of us feel - not good enough!