Six Mistakes All Self-Builders Make

Building your own home can be a wonderful experience.

It’s your chance to get the home of your dreams, design it just how you want and create something unique. Something that stands out from all of the other Lego block new builds, in estates that all look the same. Thanks to the huge increase in house prices over the last ten years, you may even find that buying a plot, hiring help and paying for supplies can actually leave you with a lot more house for your money than simply purchasing one that’s on the market.

However, people that build their own homes often make the same mistakes. Mistakes which can end up blowing their budget and leaving them without a finished home for a lot longer than originally planned. Here is a good look at six of those mistakes to help you avoid doing the same.

Not Finding the Right Place to Stay

If you are building your own home, you’ll need somewhere to stay in the meantime, and you’ll need to budget for these costs. Many people just move into a hotel or rent a house without really considering how long they are going to be there, how far away from the project they are and how much extra this could cost. Some people even take out a short-term lease, only to find their home build takes a lot longer, and they are left homeless.

One great option is living in a caravan on site. Buying a caravan can be cheaper than months of renting, you’ll save money on commuting to your project, you’ll always be close, and they are both pet and child-friendly.

Rushing In

The biggest mistake self-builders make is getting carried away with an idea and rushing in without giving it any detailed thought. Take your time!

Trying to Do Too Much

The main appeal of self-building is getting to create your perfect home. Many mistakenly believe that to do this, they need to do everything themselves. However, you’d be much better taking your time to hire the right people, from architects to contractors, that can advise you while understanding your vision. This way you’ll get the home of your dreams, but it’ll be well done.


Another huge mistake almost everyone makes is underestimating both time frame and budget. Don’t just give yourself an overall figure. Assign money to every little bit of the project. Ensure there’s between 10-20% of your final total free for any unexpected changes or emergencies along the way.

Over Complicating

There’s a reason that a lot of houses have the same basic layout. It works. Self builders have a habit of trying to do something wildly different and end up with over complicated designs with loads of unnecessary extras. You’d be better following a basic plan, then making smaller changes to suit your tastes and needs.

Not Thinking of the Future

You don’t want to end up building a house that only suits your family’s needs for the next three years. Think about where you want to be in ten years’ time. Where do you hope to work? Will you have more kids? Do you have any medical needs which may need factoring in in the future? If you’re not sure, perhaps it’s not the right time to build?